Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Using Email Manager Suppressions Within Campaign Manager

Email Manager allows the creation of suppression lists, recipients who do not wish to receive any email campaigns from you.

When a campaign is deployed in Campaign Manager, if the Send a Message tactic type is used, Campaign Manager will check any default suppression lists for the Email manager account specified to ensure that the campaign is not sent to any members on the default suppression lists.


  1. Create a suppression list in Email Manager.  
  2. For more information, refer to the Email Manager help.
  3. Once the suppression list has been created select Edit List Properties.

  1. Select the This list should be selected by default check box. This ensures that this suppression list is automatically selected when sending Campaigns from Campaign Manager, and any recipients on this list will not receive the campaign creative(s).

  1. Click Update.
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